En muchas ocasiones hablamos de la Horizontalización como una de las características principales que nos aporta el 2.0. Cuando una persona como David Pontin (University of Glamorgan) es tan amable de aceptar nuestra invitación para compartir su experiencia con nosotros nos demuestra que es así. Os dejamos con su post!. Thanks David!
‘I recently spent a very productive week with the Nursing Faculty at the University of Jaen, Andalucia, Spain sharing ideas about nursing, health care and how we can exchange ideas through various media, in particular journals. Our conversations roamed far and wide. We spoke from our experiences as nurses, educators and researchers and shared information from trusted sources about the way nursing is organised and delivered to people in our countries. In almost every conversation we had, I realised that I needed to check out the meaning of the words I use in my every day nursing conversations to make sure they matched those used by my hosts. It struck me that as we were talking, we were demonstrating open-mindedness in action (Sellman 2003). We were open to the idea that our personal experience was not universal but it may have transferability and may cast new insights into other peoples’ experiences in their own country. Sellman talks about open-mindedness as a characteristic of professional nursing practice and it seems to me that he has something worthwhile to offer international nursing developments.
One of the purposes of my visit was to work with Masters’ students to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in writing for international nursing journals. We examined the reasons for writing about nursing and they ways that new authors can maximise their chances of having their papers accepted by journal editors. Unfortunately my ability to speak Spanish is minimal, so we used simultaneous translation to make sure that the meaning wasn’t lost for students with basic English skills. After we finished the sessions I started thinking about this experience and linked it to a seminar I attended at the Royal College of Nursing International Research Conference in 2011. The seminar explored the developments in web-based technology and the potential they were offering for presenting information in new and different ways. We talked about the potential of hyper-links, and how embedding additional material could make the experience of reading the paper much richer and more satisfying. It occurred to me that one way of making the ideas more engaging and accessible would be to make nursing journal papers instantly available in more than one language. Readers could access the paper in the language in which it was written or in another language of their choice. Of course there are logistical issues of translation and transliteration, and cost, but these should not be impossible to address.
Professor David Pontin / Aneurin Bevan Chair of Community Health / Faculty of Health, Sport & Science /University of Glamorgan
Bibliografía: (Sellman D 2003 Open-mindedness: a virtue for professional practice. Nursing Philosophy 4 (1) 17–24 DOI: 10.1046/j.1466-769X.2003.00113.x)
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Congratulations!!! I belive that is the right way. If our students take skills about how to publish in international nursing journals these work will revert in more research and more knowledge about our work.
Sorry about my english 😉